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해양 1755 (1).jpg

Nosongdang’s Japan Travelogue

  • Nationality Republic of Korea
  • Quantity 1
  • Era 1799
  • Exhibition Place -
  • Material paper
  • Size(cm) 21×32.3

Travel sketches (saehaengrok) by Song Hui-gyeong (宋希璟), a civil officein the early Joseon period.

The sketches describe his travels to Japan as a hoeryesa (a reciprocal envoy) in 1420(Sejong year 2).

The contents can be divided into journals and poety, and Song expressed his thoughts more through poems rather than journals.

The poetic works include 227 poems, among them quatrains and sayul (a style of Chinese verse).

In the prologue, he wrote about emples and priests, and three-crop system farming areas.

해양 1755.jpg